
Ding is a body of work, which focuses on various metal alloys and the sounds they produce.

The bell idea comes from a study of sounds and a great interest in the sound of materials. As a goldsmith I am interested in addressing the audible aspect of metal. All the bell necklaces are made in different alloys and shaped by hand thus they are unique and produce different sounds.

We connect our inner world to the outer world through our senses. With ding I have focused on the sense of hearing. I have examined a large range of sounds and have described them as if they were objects with a shape, a surface, texture, direction and intensity. I want the sounds to be perceived as objects moving around between us.

My work is about listening.



Foto Jeppe Gudmundsen Holmgreen
 Danish Crafts Collection 15
Foto Jeppe Gudmundsen Holmgreen Danish Crafts Collection 15
From the Coolest Corner Exhibition, Oslo Nationalmuseet, Oslo, København and Helsinki, 2013
Ding, From the Coolest Corner Exhibition, Oslo Nationalmuseet, Oslo, København and Helsinki, 2013
Tous ce qui brille, World Crafts Council Mons, Belgien.
Ding, Tous ce qui brille, World Crafts Council Mons, Belgien.